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Quality Policy
Home > Quality Policy

It is the policy of E-Mold Rapid Manufacturing Ltd to operate a Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of ISO9001:2015.

The company is committed to the concept of continual improvement and will use the Quality Management System as an improvement tool. Quality issues are viewed as core business values.

The Company is committed to complying with the requirements of the Quality Management System and ensuring the continual effectiveness of the Quality Management System through ongoing scheduled internal auditing and review.

The company will set specific improvement quality objectives and targets which will be reviewed at least annually.

This policy is communicated to and understood by all those who work for and on behalf of the company.

This policy will also be made available to other interested parties as required.

It is E-Mold’s policy to satisfy applicable statutory and regulatory requirements and customers’ requirements which E-Mold have agreed to.

This policy statement will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure that it is continuing to reflect the requirements of the company and supporting the strategic direction of the company.

Contact us

E-mold rapid manufacturing Ltd !
Louisa Xiao

Email : louisa@e-moldrapid.com

Tel : (+86)1345 0999 345

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